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What you have to know about us

Inspired by the real estate experience behind us and the industry insights we have, we created Hosty with the sole purpose of having a safe online space that offers the best booking offers. Our team is young, enthusiastic, and dedicated to providing the best services possible. Proudly, we have spent years property managing with our brand HOMDY which led to our even better understanding of the industry. Our fast-growing is due to our quality services, trusted partners, and clients, and an experienced team that know exactly what to do. We created Hosty not just for the purposes of having a great online platform, but to actually be of help to all users in search of a place to stay – trusted, tested, and checked!

Why choose us?

  • With us, you’ll get not just an online service but complete assistance.
  • A partner that will guide you, help you choose, and make the best property selection.
  • Also, the highest quality for the best prices on the market!
  • You’ll get assurance and guidance. A service you can completely trust.
Ready to dive in?